Year 2019-2020
- Group picture for the new year!
- Krystal presented her research work at 2020 Texas State WiSE (Women in Science & Engineering) Conference
- Dr. Dong was invited as he plenary speaker by the first symposium on Disaster Risk Analysis and Big Data 2019 in Pembroke, NC.
Year 2018-2019
- The first group pic we have taken! Will be a great start for year 2018-2019 🙂 Can you see where Baby Evan is?
- Gabriel has won the 3rd place of Collegiate Competition at WE Local St. Louis Conference for part of his thesis research
- Lauren presented our research about Fresh E Commerce at the university undergraduate research conference.
- Gabriel’s work won IISE Modeling and Simulation track best student paper
- Gabriel finished his master thesis defense
- The capstone project supervised by Dr. Dong with Sabre Airline Solutions won People’s Choice Award.
Year 2017-2018
- Loraine’s oral presentation for her summer research (sponsored by NSF SURE program)
- Loraine’s poster presentation for her summer research (sponsored by NSF SURE program)
- Loraine was answering questions regarding her post at TX State Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Gabriel was doing 3MT for his summer research
- Paula was doing 3MT for his summer research
- Team lunch in the summer of 2018
- Sasha received her best paper award from 2018 IISE annual conference
- Sasha received her best paper award from 2018 IISE annual conference